› added 9 years ago


TIL that during his 1955 tour in Ghana, Louis Armstrong suddenly stopped playing, moved by the fact that one of the dancers resembled his mother, who had died 20 years before. He said: “I know it now. I came from here, way back. At least my people did. Now I know this is my country too.”

5VV6P TIL that in the Talmud, regarding to the question of the method of verifying if a previously perforated penis is healed, a Rabbi presents the solution of making someone cum from the heat of warm barley bread placed in the anus, to see if the cum does not go out from the perforation.
0wBQR TIL about the Scientific Responsibility award that honors scientists and engineers for exemplary actions often taken at significant personal cost. One recipient was Roger Boisjoly who tried to prevent the Challenger Shuttle disaster by highlighting that the O rings could fail in cold weather.
wL7W1 TIL Myostatin is a protein produced in the human body that inhibits muscle growth. People with myostatin deficiency have twice the muscle mass of the average human and usually more muscle strength. Strongman Eddie Hall has myostatin deficiency
WAjX TIL that Queen, notorious for wild parties, hosted a release party for ‘Jazz’ that included a man biting heads off live chickens, naked models wrestling in a liver pit, and little-people walking about with trays of cocaine strapped to their heads.
Br9yk TIL about Superman vs. Muhammad Ali, an oversize celebrity comic book published by DC Comics in 1978. The 72-page book features Superman teaming up with the heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali to defeat an alien invasion of Earth, but first they have fight each other in a boxing match.