› added 10 years ago


TIL in 1983, pioneering urologist Sir Giles Skey Brindley injected himself with an erectile dysfunction medication in order to prove its effectiveness. He showed off his resulting erection at an academic conference, even approaching the audience members for them to closely inspect his “results”.

d88aQ TIL MDMA or ecstasy, has been around for a very long time. It's been discovered as early as 1914, and done so by a pharmaceutical company from Germany called Merck. It was patented, but between its discovery and 1960’s when it was rediscovered, there is little mention of the drug
neWZ7 TIL that ABBA's "Dancing Queen" is a favourite of Queen Elizabeth II. She claims: "I always try to dance when this song comes on, because I am the Queen, and I like to dance."
b9nB9 TIL that in March 1848, Niagara Falls froze over and was completely blocked with ice. Factories shuttered, the US Cavalary marched on the dry riverbed, loggers collected ancient logs, and souvenir hunters collected relics from the War of 1812
ykVV TIL that during the 2006 Duke rape scandal, 88 professors at Duke put out a newspaper ad condemning the alleged rapists and Duke’s culture of white male privilege before the trial had begun. The accused players were found not guilty and the 88 professors never apologized.
8jvP TIL George Costanzas’s fiancee Susan was killed off in Seinfeld because none of the actors could work with her as an actress. This was only discovered when they had to do a group scene together.