› added 2 years ago


TIL: Graham Crackers named for Sylvester Graham, a minister who lived and preached in the first half of the 19th century, carried on a dietary crusade in favor of whole wheat flour, arguing that to separate the bran from the rest of the wheat berry was against the will of God

xVXJ0 TIL Among OKcupid users, men ranked women's attractiveness in an almost perfectly even distribution, and the majority as average. Women ranked 80% of men as worse looking than average, and all the site's male founders as "significantly worse looking."
NX86P TIL Bing Crosby was at the heart of introducing recordable master tape, revolutionizing radio, studio recording, & later TV/video production. In 1947, he funded the first commercial tape recorder with $50k, leading to the first radio show recorded on magnetic tape and changing broadcasting forever.
690Nm TIL the fun fact of “Your body has around 100,000 km of capillaries alone, the tiniest of your blood vessels, with a surface area of around 1000 square meters." Is not correct. The real value is closer to 9000 and 19,000 km.
9YoQG TIL about Loreta Janeta Velasquez who was a woman that disguised herself as a man and fought alongside her husband in the Civil War.
7rKxX TIL that Willem Dafoe had to have a penis double for the scenes in Lars von Trier's experimental film Antichrist where his penis was exposed because his own was deemed so large that "everybody [on set] got very confused when they saw it" by the director.