› added 6 years ago


TIL Ann Wilson of Heart wrote the song Barracuda after her recording company created a rumor that her sister and her were having an incestuous relationship for publicity. Following a concert, a fan asked how her “lover” was. Enraged, she went directly to her hotel room and began writing the lyrics.

kO0Mg TIL that haunted house attractions didn't really go mainstream in North America until the Great Depression, when parents began organizing haunted houses or trails to keep young men from causing trouble on All Hallow's Eve.
JYNMj TIL Beer cans used to be 40% thicker and way stronger, which is why we see people crushing beer cans as a display of strength in older movies
9w6Er TIL the song title "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" by Iron Butterfly came about when vocalist Doug Ingle wrote the song while drunk, and when he played it for drummer Ron Bushy, his drunken slurring caused the words "in the Garden of Eden" to be interpreted as "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida” by Bushy.
6lyX TIL Although considered by many to be taboo when cousins get married, the risk of them having offspring with genetic defects is not significantly higher than two random strangers having kids.
wr58 TIL the X-Files episode ‘Home’ which was about a murderous inbred family was based on a story from Charlie Chaplin’s autobiography where a family introduced him to their quadruple amputee son by pulling him out from under a bed after which he “flopp[ed] around” while they sang and danced.