› added 4 years ago


TIL that "ACHOO", the phonetic word for a sneeze, is actually an acronym for "Autosomal Cholinergic Helio-Ophtalmologic Outburst syndrome". This strange sensation is also known as a Photic Sneeze Reflex, which is the feeling you have to sneeze while looking at a bright light.

rRK5M TIL Humans don't have strong olfactory skills and kissing allows you to smell and taste a person and see if you have different immune responses as we tend to feel more attracted to someone with a different immune response
VMdVG TIL that in 1933 6000 people were deported by the Soviet Union to an island in the middle of Siberia and were abandoned there without food or shelter. Within three weeks most of the prisoners were dead due to the widespread episodes of cannibalism. The island became known as “Cannibal Island”.
VM6J0 TIL That Halo was supposed to be an exclusive for the Mac. (Even being revealed by Steve Jobs himself.) the game was also meant to be a third person shooter. But before that was finalized, Microsoft bought bungie rest is history.
1vOr TIL in 2010, that Senator Roy Ashburn, who had voted “anti-gay” for all eight years that he was in office, was arrested on a DUI while leaving a bar with another man and now openly admits to being gay.
VBMLZ TIL after his two previous ads/films were rejected by his clients, experimental filmmaker Peter Kubelka changed country and made "Arnulf Rainer". When this 7 minute film premiered in 1960, most of the audience walked out and Kubelka lost most of his friends because of it.