› added 4 years ago


TIL Fausta (2nd wife of Roman Emperor Constantine) fell in love with the Emperor's son. He refused her advances. She accused him of making advances. Emperor had his son murdered. Fausta was later rumoured to have had an affair with a slave. Emperor realised his mistake and had her boiled alive.

5YPEr TIL 18 Roman emperors were born in area of present day Republic of Serbia, Balkans - including Constantine I the Great - first Christian emperor of Rome and founder of Constantinople, a present day city of Istanbul, Turkey.
jNKAR [TIL] that the Muppets first big break was on The Jimmy Dean Show (the sausage guy) from 1963-66. Rowlf the dog had a 7-10 minute spot with Jimmy every episode. Jim Henson was so grateful he offered Dean 40% of the Muppets, but he turned it down saying he didn't earn it.
abDZ TIL Giant Rats have been trained to sniff out 14000 landmines and other unexploded arsenal. The rats, which undergo nine months of training, are light enough to not trigger the explosives. They literally work for peanuts!
GZR5 TIL after the courtesan Leæna (whose name means lioness) refused to reveal the name of the conspirators that tried to kill the Athenian tyrant Hippias under torture, the Athenians erected a tongueless lioness statue in her memory and placed lionesses next to statues of Aphrodite.
Wk9WL TIL: When roosters open their beaks fully, their external auditory canals completely closed off. Basically, roosters have built in earplugs. This helps prevent them from damaging their hearing when they crow.