› added 4 years ago


TIL during Richard Ramirez’s murder spree, after it was revealed that shoe prints from Los Angeles crime scenes matched one in San Francisco, San Francisco’s then mayor revealed the information on TV. This enraged police as they knew Ramirez would see it and thus destroy evidence. Which he did.

NonN TIL that in 1915, the Washington Post made one of the most infamous typos in newspaper history by misspelling ‘entertaining’ as 'entering’ while covering one of Woodrow Wilson’s dates with his fiancée: “Rather than paying attention to the play, the President spent the evening entering Mrs. Galt.”
GYaDJ TIL about Vaslav Nijinsky – who has been cited as the greatest dancer of the 20th century. He was a controversial character in Russia who pushed the boundaries of what was permissible in ballet, including references to homosexuality and masturbation.
j8E TIL that since 2010, ps3 uses an audio watermark algorithm to detect illegal movie copies. It can survive compression, re-encoding and microphone recording yet it is imperceptible to human hearing.
MmR7 TIL that despite harsh punishments, many Germans ridiculed “Heil Hitler”, some saying “Ein Liter” instead, and others sarcastically responding with “Is He Sick?” because of the identical pronunciations of “Heil” and “Heal”.
PWnn TIL of a saltwater lake that was cut off from the ocean and is completely filled with jellyfish. As natural predators have been sealed off from the lake, the jellyfish have harmless stingers due to evolutionary regression. Swimming in the lake is safe and permitted.