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TIL of the Scholomance, a school of black magic located in Romania. According to legend, the teacher of the school was the Devil. Upon graduation, the Devil would select one of the students to be the Weathermaker, a dragon rider responsible for controlling the weather.

D1ZgP TIL as a kid, Ice-T had his bike stolen. He told his father about it; he simply shrugged and said: "Well, then, you ain't got no bike." Ice-T then stole parts from various bicycles and assembled "three or four weird-looking, brightly-painted bikes" from the parts. His father never even noticed.
rRB5o TIL with a record of 46-2 Marvin Hagler could not get a title fight. His manager pleaded with Senator Ted Kennedy. Kennedy called boxing promotor Bob Arum and threatened an investigation. Arum was a tax attorney for the Justice Dept. during JFK's administration and guaranteed the fight.
gpl8 TIL Abuse of the smoke signal is known to have contributed to the fall of the Western Zhou Dynasty, 8th century BCE. King You of Zhou had a habit of fooling his warlords with false warning beacons in order to amuse his queen. When an actual rebellion occurred, no one came to the aid of the king.
Rrbj TIL that Mythbusters double-dipped many chips, but found that the difference in germs compared to non-double-dipped chips was negligible.
p8lbZ TIL “Pop goes the Weasel” is about booze. Pop is English slang for pawning and weasel is for a suit. The Eagle was a London pub. “Up and down the city road, in and out of The Eagle, that’s the way the money goes, pop goes the weasel” means drinking until you need to pawn things to buy more booze.