› added 5 years ago


TIL that when company CEOs like Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg took only $1 in yearly salary, it wasn't necessarily an altruistic move, but rather it is more tax-efficient (for example 35% vs. 15%) to receive compensation in ways that are taxed as "capital gains".

N70db TIL that in Nazi Germany people who were classified as Jewish could challenge their classification in court. This included looking for Jewish facial features but since anti-Semitic clichés on Jewish appearance were so exaggerated and stereotyped, the average litigant did not show these features.
7rb1Z TIL of Sir Ewan Forbes, an intersex British aristocrat and rural doctor who applied to change his sex in 1952. Afraid of possible ostracism, he alerted his patients, priest and friends in advance and found that they were “universally supportive”. He married his partner in a church a month later.
b6lZ0 TIL of the Caprivi Strip. When the German colonialists wanted access to the oceans via the river, they bought the area from the British- who neglected to mention that the river would pass the Victoria Falls, the world’s largest waterfall, making the land completely useless. No refunds were offered.
QJZ5a TIL that several striking similarities suggest that Disney plagiarized Kimba the White Lion to create The Lion King.
jmRN TIL that in 2016, the iconic Vietnamese “Napalm Girl” received over 50 laser treatments on her “4th degree” burns that greatly reduced her pain and softened her skin after 45 years of suffering. The treatment was provided free-of-charge.