› added 6 years ago


TIL a vigilante in Bristol, England has been sneaking out at night for 10 years to fix grammar and punctuation errors on signs such as “Herberts the Bakery,” using stickers and an eight-foot-long tool he calls the “apostrophizer.”

gM9M9 TIL that the anechoic chambers are the quietest places on Earth and have background noises measured in negative decibels. After a few minutes in chambers, you can hear your heartbeat and blood circulating in your ears and could experience troubles with orienting or even standing.
m1JKy TIL Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt I was born in Staten Island in 1794, and by the time he died in 1877, played a major role in America’s rise as an industrial power. He began his transportation empire with a small sailboat in new york Harbor ferrying people from S.I. to Manhattan
Y7nvW TIL Mountain Dew, Fresca, and other food had been banned in the EU and Japan for containing brominated vegetable oil (BVO) - bromine is also commonly used as a flame retardant. Over consumption has resulted in medical attention needed for memory loss and nerve disorders, amongst other issues.
v1keD TIL that Miitopia, a game for the 3DS, is the first and currently only Nintendo developed game to receive an adult rating, as in Russia, any game showing same sex relationships in a positive light gets an automatic 18+ rating, despite everything else in Miitopia being child friendly
MeadW TIL in 1996, Russia launched a Mars Rover called "Mars96". It crashed back to earth after 2 days, containing plutonium-238 fuel which would have survived the impact. Nobody ever bothered to look for it, and it's believed to just be lying around the Andes mountains.