› added 2 years ago


TIL Pomeranian dogs love to spin. When they get super excited they enter a spinning spree, not unlike a tornado. They don’t get dizzy and can spin an incredible amount of times in rapid succession.

4dRX TIL that, though originally from the US, 7/11 has technically been a Japanese company since 1991. 7-Eleven Japan now runs all stores worldwide.
KOZgE TIL - In the mid 19th Century, the belief persisted that weather was completely unpredictable. When one MP suggested in the Commons in 1854 that recent advances in scientific theory might soon allow them to know the weather in London "twenty-four hours beforehand", the House roared with laughter.
rOxx TIL when Jazz legend Nina Simone was preparing for her 1st recital at age 12, her parents were moved from the front row to make room for whites. 12 year old Simone refused to sing until her parents got their seats back. They did.
dvEr TIL the real-life home that inspired the movie ‘UP’ is a century-old farmhouse whose owner refused to sell it to developers, even for an inflated price of $1,000,000. Having lived there for over 50 years, she was content to let them build a giant biotech complex all around it.
lrJB TIL Brian Wilson, co-founder of the Beach Boys, was quoted saying “Once you’ve been labeled a genius, you have to continue it or your name becomes mud. I am a victim of the recording industry. I didn’t think I was a genius. I thought I had talent. But I didn’t think I was a genius.”