› added 7 years ago


TIL two MIT grads are designing a nuclear power plant that can use nuclear waste as a source of fuel, produce 75 times more energy per ton of fuel, and utilize 96% of supplied fuel, vs only 4% used with traditional designs. It will also be virtually accident proof and cheap to build.

dD9nK TIL that the American Dream Mall in New Jersey has escalators on the third floor that seem to go to nowhere and end at the ceiling. According to the malls spokesperson, the escalators, which are located on the third floor, will actually lead to a future planned entertainment expansion.
dDwWQ TIL Of Titanic Thompson, a prolific hustler and golfer of the early 20th century. One of Thompson's tricks was to play righthanded, win, and offer to play double or nothing lefthanded, he was naturally lefthanded. In his time a professional golfer could earn 30,000$ a year, he earned that in a week.
wodDW TIL the country with the largest volume of rabbit meat consumption was China (925,000 tons), comprising approximately 62% of the total consumption and a sixfold increase over second ranked South Korea.
yQ6nJ TIL Guatemala had a 36+ year long civil war during which the government committed mass genocide against the Maya. The military chief became the first person to be convicted of ordering forced disappearances and the president the first former head of state to be tried for genocide by his own country.
rR4Pd TIL that some churches are using signal jammers to make the congregation stop using their mobile phones.