› added 1 year ago


TIL the expression "streets ahead" is an English phrase dating back to the nineteenth century, not something made up by the writers on Community.

v1x7r TIL of the Edelweiss Pirates. A proto-hippie youth group in Germany which fought Nazi's as they frolicked through the countryside playing guitars and singing Anti-Nazi folk songs at campfires. They sheltered escaped concentration-camp prisoners and Allied soldiers in a program of armed resistance.
e5Eg TIL Shredded documents can be put back together easily using computer software. Once scanned, an automated program then assigns a unique ID to each piece, and analyzes a number of characteristics, including size, color, indentation, and font using a matching algorithm.
lo1y1 TIL that after making an unsuccessful attempt on Franz Ferdinand's life Nedeljko Čabrinović tried killing himself by swallowing a cyanide pill then jumped into the nearby river finding that the cyanide pill was defective and that the river was only 4 inches deep. He was immediately arrested.
d8EGB TIL Bees don't poop in the hive. Over the winter, it builds up because they stay out of the cold. On warm winter days, they will all fly out at the same time on what are called "cleansing flights."
1ab7V TIL Researchers actually know shockingly little about male pattern baldness. While most agree it involves DHT, we don't know the specific mechanisms of how and why DHT causes baldness. This is due to baldness being classified as cosmetic issue, not a disease, which limits research funds available.