› added 2 months ago


TIL that seaweed and red algae help reduce methane catalysts in livestock by up to 90%; and that the cost of irrigating animal feeds is water;and slurr in closed spaces is more prone to produce greenhouse gases than in open spaces.And that 41% of Netherland's greenhouse gas source comes from cows

VZ0Z TIL When you learn something new, for example someone tells you a new word, new piece of info, etc. your brain will start creating a frequency illusion called the Baader-Meinof illusion which starts to place the new piece of information everywhere and you will start seeing it much more frequently.
DQdnP TIL the Philippine Span Asia Carrier Corporation holds the record for the deadliest peacetime maritime disaster (MV Dona Paz in 1987 - 4385 dead) before having four more of its ships capsize and total at least 1461 more deaths with hundreds more missing. The shipping line still operates today.
VDJG TIL on the California side of the US-Mexico border, there’s a town called Calexico, and on the opposite side there’s a town called Mexicali.
rNYAM TIL that the coldest temperature in the universe, as far as scientists can tell, occurred on Earth. In 2003, physicists at MIT reduced the temperature of a cloud of sodium molecules to 810 trillionths of a degree F above absolute zero.
b970E TIL Heath Ledger was first choice to play in 2002's Spider-Man, but turned it down as he didn't want to take someone else's dream away of playing Spider-Man. Eventually the role went to Tobey Magurie.