› added 1 year ago


TIL The Immaculate Conception is a separate concept from the Virgin Birth. It refers to the Catholic (and some others) belief that Mary was conceived without Original Sin and therefore was pure enough to receive the Son of God. The concept is often rejected by Protestants as non-scriptural.

B0k TIL that after MTV cancelled “Pimp My Ride,” Xzibit’s annual income was slashed by more than 85% to $67k
aEaZ TIL researchers surveyed math geniuses now in their 50s who were identified as prodigies in the 1970s. Regardless of work-related gender differences, both men and women overwhelmingly agreed that family was the most important factor required for a meaningful life
yQ5xw TIL that the flavor Blue Raspberry is based on a real fruit, the whitebark Raspberry. Although the fruit’s actual color is a deep purple, the fruit provided a way for candy makers to use blue dye
kOGO1 TIL Spitting Spiders catch their prey by spitting fluid containing both venom and spider silk that congeals on contact into a venomous and sticky mass. The spiders sway from side to side as they "spit", catching the prey in a crisscrossed "Z" pattern. The entire attack lasts 1/700th of a second.
ADvv7 TIL Isaac Singer, the inventor of the Singer Sewing machine had 24 children across the USA, UK and France. Six of these children came from a relationship with Isabella Eugenie Boyer, a 19 year old French woman that the Statue of Liberty was based on. He left $13m estate to his 20 surviving children.