› added 9 months ago


TIL that a comet smells like rotten eggs, urine, burning matches and almonds. Traces of hydrogen sulphide, ammonia, sulphur dioxide and hydrogen cyanide were all found in the makeup of the comet 67P/Churyumove-Gerasimenko. Promotional postcards were even commissioned in 2016 carrying the scent of it

Z80eY TIL The last King of Afghanistan modernized his country, and his reign was marked by peace and stability. He was overthrown in 1973 but returned to Afghanistan at the end of Taliban rule in 2002 where he was titled "Father of the Nation"
l7lx5 TIL that a yoga practice called khecarī mudrā consists of gradually severing part of the tongue in order to curl it back further than what is naturally possible until the practitioner can reach the inside of their own nasal cavity.
d89W8 TIL that according to legend that many used to believe was fact, the founder and first King of Britain was Brutus of Troy, a descendant of a hero from the Trojan War, and he also founded Troia Nova or New Troy in what is today London. He was also supposedly the ancestor of King Arthur.
LBad T.I.L. that a 61yr. old U.S. Navy vet Michael Boatwright was found unconscious in a motel room. When he woke up he only spoke Swedish instead of his native language English. He also insisted that he was a swede named Johan Ek and threw up when he saw his own reflection, in a state of confusion.
4kvAR TIL The term "prehistoric" refers to a period of time prior to the written word or recorded history. This means that different parts of the world were simultaneously historic (such as Ancient Egypt) and prehistoric (such as the US).