› added 2 years ago


TIL about Alexis St. Martin who, after not properly healing after being shot in the stomach, was used in experiments for 12 years as doctors could view his digestion in real time through his wound. He lived another 58 years.

mxJbY TIL that the first person in history whose name we know is 'Kushim', who was not a King, poet or a warrior, but an accountant. He signed a receipt which said "29,086 measures barley 37 months Kushim", which was found on a clay tablet in Mesopotamia.
7r7wX TIL French and Italian share 89% lexical similarity, this means a native Italian without any knowledge of French can understand 89% of the words they read in French and vice versa.
7rKAp TIL of the New Mexico whiptail lizard, an all-female species that originated from hybridization. It reproduces without males through parthenogenesis and manages to escape extinction because of a constant stock of new hybrids. They even have female to female courtship to stimulate ovulation!
pM9N TIL that the oldest hotel in the world has been operated by the same Japanese family for over 1,300 years. 52 different generations of descendants have cared for and operated the inn.
nWv99 TIL: The punishment of the dogs was an annual sacrifice of Rome where live dogs were suspended from a cross & paraded. In the same procession, Geese were decorated in gold and purple and carried in honor. Because The Dogs didn't Bark and the Geese honked When the Gauls launched a nocturnal assault.