› added 1 year ago


TIL that Micheal Jackson's "Billy Jean" was inspired by multiple women claiming to have children from his brothers while he was in the Jackson 5, as well as one who sent Micheal a handgun and a time to commit suicide so he would die at the same time as her and her son she claimed to be his.

69BQm TIL In the 1900s, German was the dominant language for science (thanks to Einstein, Planck, Heisenberg and others). It was only until mid 1990s that English firmly established itself as the main language.
1aQk8 TIL that the inspiration behind Crocodile Dundee, Rod Ansell, suffered a psychotic break due to amphetamines and went on a rampage, injuring two people and killing a policeman before being shot dead himself
165AW TIL About Colonel James 'Nick' Rowe a US Army Special Forces officer who was one of the few men to escape Viet Cong captivity. Years after his escape Rowe was recalled to active duty to establish the grueling SERE Program which is now mandatory for all SOF personnel and USAF aircrews.
logbr TIL that in the international standard for paper size (used everywhere except the USA and some Latin American countries), the aspect ratio is always √2:1, so that when cut in half, the halves also have the same aspect ratio. In the "A" series (including A4), A0 is 1 m², A1 is 0.5 m², and so on
VyjG TIL Bob Dylan has been on a tour since 1988. Aptly named, The “Never Ending Tour” has had over 2,700 shows around the world, almost 100 per year for 28 years straight.