› added 11 months ago


TIL that — through the lens of modern data analytics — a simple voice recording can yield thousands of speech parameters that may reveal a user’s biometric identity, body shape, personality traits, mental & physical health, emotions, drug habits, geographical origin, and socioeconomic status.

wL6X8 TIL Angela Lansbury (Mrs. Potts) from Beauty and the Beast (1991) sang “Tale as old as time” in a single take after being initially against it because she thought her “aging singing voice” wasn’t suited for the song.
KOPPG TIL that Shell Shock may not be wholly psychological, but caused by concussive damage to the brain. Distinctive honeycomb lesions have been found on soldiers' brains who had survived IED blasts. These lesions "may help explain why some veterans... have problems putting their lives back together."
lkQ1 TIL that redheads don’t feel pain the same way as other people. They are less sensitive to electrically induced pain, but more sensitive to thermal pain.
RG1j TIL that while American white women got the vote in 1920, First Nations women didn’t get it until 1924, Asian American women didn’t get it ‘til 1952, and African America women not until 1964.
lojx5 TIL after the Manchester Bombing in 2017, the Manchester Police stopped sharing information with the US after they leaked confidential information to news medias. New York Times published photographs of the bomb used and refused to apologize after the leaks.