› added 10 years ago


TIL Hippopotamuses sweat red. Known as “Blood sweat”, it has antibacterial & water-resistant sunscreen properties. Adult Hippos can run faster than humans. They can’t swim or float. They spin their tails while defecating to distribute their excrement over the greatest possible area to mark territory

GY5Mg TIL Galvani's nephew, Giovanni Aldini, electrically stimulated the limbs of a dead man in public
R5Vm6 TIL on 9/11/01 a guest at the Marriott World Trade Center hotel, located at the base of the towers, awoke to the first plane crashing but went back to bed. He then got up, turned on the news, took a shower, packed his things, and only decided to evacuate when the South Tower collapsed onto the hotel
PYDeG TIL that the flash from cameras does not harm artwork. In a 1995 study, the London National Gallery concluded that camera flash is dangerous after measuring the color change in test pigments that were exposed to over 1,000,000 flashes. However, the control group showed the same amount of change.
eAGn TIL There is an Israeli policy document prepared in 1996 advocating an aggressive new policy including the removal of Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq, and the containment of Syria by engaging in proxy warfare and highlighting their possession of “weapons of mass destruction”.
jPjn TIL singer Enrico Caruso’s voice was unique & versatile. During an opera, the basso who was to sing, whispered ‘I’ve lost my voice’. Caruso replied, 'Move your lips & I’ll sing for you’. With back turned to the audience, Caruso sang for him. The audience cheered, not knowing Caruso sang it.