› added 9 years ago


TIL that Cary Grant’s girlfriend convinced him to see Alice Cooper in concert. On the ride home, when she asked him what he thought of it, he said, “Remember I told you about the time I took LSD in my doctor’s office and shat all over his rug and floor?… Well now I know how that poor doctor felt.“

V5Ep TIL that Daddy Longlegs have been around for at least 400 million years, barely changing, and predate the dinosaurs.
xBNB TIL America’s Best Ace Pilot was Named Dick Bong
6E5yW TIL that pyjamas (pajamas in the US) became fashionable because of World War I zeppelin air raids on Britain. Thrust into the evening due to an air raid, pyjamas were more practical and fashionable than night dresses, and coincided with the "new novelty" of women wearing trousers.
l7n9V TIL at the end of the Top Gear US Special after arriving in New Orleans, the hosts gave their cars away instead of selling them as originally planned after seeing the damage from Hurricane Katrina
d8DWd No one is entirely sure. Water has high surface tension, yet the molecules at its surface are unstable, which makes the air-surface interface mysterious and difficult to describe. Satoshi Nihonyanagi, a researcher at a molecular-spectroscopy lab in Japan, studies water and its surface—"specifically probing the interface," he calls it—using isotopically diluted H2O, which doesn't vibrate and is easier to observe. He's found that some water molecules are bound to others by a single hydrogen bond.