› added 9 years ago


TIL a study was done for which over 200 cigarette smokers were observed for a year as they attempted to kick the habit. 62% relapsed within the first two weeks, and 95% of those who smoked even just one cigarette after trying to quit resumed their previous pattern of smoking.

gNKy TIL Yul Brynner died of lungcancer in 1985. After his dead, he had a commercial aired: ‘Now that I’m gone, I tell you: 'Don’t smoke, whatever you do, just don’t smoke.’
x6dB TIL that in 2000 the major motorcycle companies of the world reached a gentlemen’s agreement to end a speed war of one-upmanship to try make the worlds fastest production bike, as they feared speeds would escalate to extremely dangerous speeds before it would end. A limit of 300km/h was agreed
BgrEb TIL the fictional Seinfeld coffee shop “Monks” was named after the legendary jazz great Thelonious Monk. A poster of the pianist/composer just happened to be in the room when Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld needed a name for the shop while writing the show.
0LAv TIL that an Oxford University genetic study found that the English are actually French and German, and that the Welsh are the true Britons
mroO TIL that the company that makes the Etch a Sketch was on the verge of bankruptcy when it agreed to let its drawing toy be featured in Toy Story 2. Although the scene featuring an Etch a Sketch was only 12 seconds long, it resulted in a 20 percent sales bump that helped to save the company.