› added 10 years ago


TIL that Indian war chief “Rain-in-the-face” told General Custer before the Battle of Little Big Horn that “he would find him on the battlefield, rip his heart out, and eat it in front of him.” Long story short, he did.

5V1jp TIL that Buster Douglas who was the first man to defeat Mike Tyson, was 6 years older than Tyson and had also recently lost his mother.
68xJ TIL that so many millions of people died so quickly in the influenza epidemic of 1918 that when people laid them out for their funerals in the parlor, the room got the nickname the “Death Room.” The Ladies Home Journal suggested changing the name to “Living Room” instead, to honor the living.
R5b49 TIL that the most powerful supercomputer in the year 2000 (the IBM ASCI White) cost the 2022 equivalent of $189 million and ran at 7.226 teraflops. The 32-Core variant of the Macbook Pro in 2022 costs $3,499 and has a peak performance of 10.4 teraflops.
KOlOB TIL that cocaine use is so pervasive in the restaurant industry, that Gordon Ramsay claims 30 out of 31 of his restaurants’ bathrooms tested positive. He even claims to have had a customer request it “sprinkled over a soufflé” at a charity dinner!
J1vN1 TIL the fictional languages in the Game of Thrones series are fully complete languages. Of all the actors that had to speak one or more of them, the person that portrayed the Grey Worm character was considered the best/most talented. He was skilled enough to speak like a natural native speaker.