› added 8 years ago


TIL that Robert Landsburg, while filming Mount St. Helens volcano eruption in 1980 realized he could not survive it, so he rewound the film back into its case, put his camera in his backpack, and then lay himself on top of the backpack to protect the film for future researchers.

ryZe TIL showing musical instruments on Iranian TV is banned as it’s seen as being at odds with religion. Concerts are often broadcast with pictures of flowers in lieu of the musicians.
wLGR1 TIL of Malchik, a stray dog that made a Moscow train station his home, acting as the resident guard dog. In 2001, a woman fatally wounded Malchik, stabbing him multiple times with a kitchen knife. The woman was arrested and tried. A statue, named "Compassion", was erected in honour of Malchik.
LQ640 TIL that tennis shoes were originally made for the British Navy when on their slippery decks. When the shoes came into the market in 1892, they were known as plimsolls. The shoes were then given the name sneakers because they had no sound when walking
4X6O5 TIL of Salem Poor, a slave who purchased his freedom, and fought in the battle of bunker hill. His actions earned him the praise of 14 officers who called him "a brave and gallant soldier"
QJmMa TIL Japanese General Hitoshi Imamura was charged with and sentenced to 9 years for failing to control his subordinates as they committed war crimes against Australian troops. He thought that he got off too light so he reconstructed his cell in his yard and lived there for the reminder of his life.