› added 9 years ago


TIL as an undergraduate at Harvard, Michael Crichton, author of Jurassic Park, felt his literature professor was giving him unfair grades. To prove it, he plagiarized a work by George Orwell and submitted it as his own. The paper was returned by his professor with a grade of “B-”.

wJa8 TIL the reason Van Halen had the “No brown M&Ms” clause was to ensure the promoter had read every single word in the contract, for the band and crew’s safety.
DQYOJ TIL Geese are the oldest known domesticated bird species
EgxDX TIL that Swiss voters rejected a proposal to reduce working hours in 2002
R5LB8 TIL that Woody Harrelson's Father was a Hitman
VBJVm TIL That the English language recipe for Guacamole was presented by...a pirate