› added 4 years ago


TIL Pinball was removed from Windows Vista because the game had issues being ported to 64-bit. It had nothing to due with copyright or legal reasons

Bg7Lx TIL: In 1842, John Francis aimed a pistol at Queen Victoria but the gun did not fire and the assailant escaped. The following day, Victoria drove the same route in an attempt to bait Francis into taking a second aim. As expected, Francis shot at her, but he was seized by plainclothes policemen.
yQkOM TIL that in a creative writing assignment titled "Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapses", a student at a local High School predicted the Tacoma Narrows bridge collapse on November 6, 1940. The bridge collapsed November 7, 1940.
1ayXr TIL that there was a mysterious disease that existed in Guam. It was the leading cause of adult death between 1945 & 1956. Fruit bats were part of the local diet at the time & became extinct as a result of over hunting. A decline in fruit bat consumption led to a decline in incidence of the disease
XbLr TIL There is a 20 story light spire on a building in downtown Stockholm, and anyone with a smartphone can change the colors on the lights that are shining in it. Its creators hope that the work can stand as a statement on the power of democracy and the power of the public.
n9no TIL the largest number of children born from one woman is 69. Mrs. Vassilyeva, a Russian peasant, gave birth to 16 sets of twins, 7 sets of triplets and 4 sets of quadruplets from 1725-1765. 67 of those children were said to have survived infancy.