› added 4 years ago


TIL that dog and cat feces is a better fertilizer than most manures because of it's high phosphorus content.

Doj The longest word in standard English dictionaries is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis at 45 letters long. The longest English word that does not contain the letter ‘e’ is floccinaucinihilipilification at 29 letters. Cabbaged and Fabaceae, each 8 letters long, are the longest words that can be played on a musical instrument. Aegilops, 8 letters long, is the longest word with its letters arranged in alphabetical order. Spoonfed, 9 letters long, is the longest word with its letters arranged in reverse alphabetical order. CIMICIC and CIMICID, each 7 letters long, are the longest words that are exclusively made up of Roman numerals when written in upper case. Among words consisting of only Roman numeral letters, the “highest scoring” are MIMIC (2,102) and IMMIX (2,012). Overnumerousnesses, 18 letters long, is the longest word that consists of only letters that lack ascenders, descenders and dots in lower case. Lighttight and hillypilly, each 10 letters long, are the longest words consisting only of letters with ascenders, descenders and dots in lower case. Tittifill, 9 letters long, is the longest word consisting only of letters with ascenders or dots in lower case. Honorificabilitudinitatibus, 27 letters long, is the longest word consisting strictly of alternating consonants and vowels. Dermatoglyphics, misconjugated and uncopyrightable, each 15 letters long, are the longest words in which no letter appears more than once. Unprosperousness, 16 letters long, is the longest word in which each letter occurs at least twice. Esophagographers, 16 letter long, is the longest word in which each of its letters occurs twice. Discrete - discreet is the longest homophonic anagram (2 similarly pronounced words that are spelt differently but sound the same and are composed of the same letters). Redivider is the longest common palindromic word ( a word reading the same backwards and forwards). The longest words that are reverse images of each other are stressed and desserts .
JYDPV TIL that most diapers are not biodegradable, and a single diaper takes 100 years to decompose. Each year there are enough diapers thrown away in the US alone, to fill 30 Empire State Buildings.
nW8Q7 TIL that in 2011, an entire country lost internet access for 12 hours after a 75-year-old woman accidentally broke a fiber-optic line with her shovel.
VBGJZ TIL that in RuneScape, the "Party Hat," initially a common item from a 2001 holiday event, has become one of the game's most valuable assets. Originally considered worthless and often discarded, these hats are now rare collectibles, with some colors valued at billions of in-game gold.
e0oKJ TIL that there is a tree called the Idiot Fruit tree (Idiospermum australiense) which only occurs in Australia’s Daintree rainforest. It is also known as the green dinosaur due to it dating back over 100 million years.