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TIL in 2010 British goat milk farmer reportedly discovered his goats made more milk when Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas is You" was played on loop

WkN5d TIL about Zofia Rydet, a Polish photographer who, at age 67, decided to try to shoot the interior of every home in Poland. Over the final 19 years of her life, she shot 20,000 images. She said, "The simplest, most ordinary documentary picture becomes a great truth about human fate."
VMKM8 TIL Playboy Magazine is now published quarterly instead of twelve times a year and updated its slogan from “Entertainment for Men” to “Entertainment for All". The company’s licensed products — from shampoo to backpacks — bring in over $1 billion annually
yVj4w TIL the full development archive of a SpongeBob PS1 game was leaked after the developer, Climax Studios, sold off their assets on eBay. In the leaked files, there exists concept art sketches (apparently created by a dev) that depict SpongeBob, Patrick, and Sandy having anal sex.
9YPEB TIL Picasso once famously said: "It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child." Researchers hypothesized that this is because early childhood is a period characterized by "exuberant neural connectivity" that facilitates "arbitrary sensory experiences in infants."
bWjZ TIL George Clooney raised a pet pig for 18 years until it passed of old age, It was sometimes featured in interviews with Clooney, who called him “Max, the star.”