› added 7 years ago


TIL a shark helped another shark give birth at an Auckland, New Zealand aquarium in 2009. The first shark bit the abdomen of the second, freeing the pups inside. One aquarium staff member said "It had to bite a certain part to let them out and do it without killing the babies or her."

5YNwn TIL during WW2 after the Nazis had taken over France, Churchill made the decision to attack the French naval fleet rather than let it fall into enemy hands. The bombardment killed nearly 2,000 men. France then severed all diplomatic relations with the UK and even mounted several retaliation attacks.
X0Myr TIL of people of Jewish decent that served in the German Army in WW2. They ranged from Generals who were declared to be Aryans, waffen SS soldiers who hid the fact knowing their fellow soldiers would probably kill them to ordinary soldiers basically hiding from being sent to concentration camps.
KOxkQ TIL in 2015, 100-year-old pub, The Carlton Tavern was illegally demolished by greedy developers. The pub was the only building in the street to survive the Blitz during World War II; because of that was subsequently ordered to be rebuilt brick by brick by the developer.
yQvvM TIL that Ron Schur became obsessed with the salad dressing at The Galley Restaurant. He kept asking what was in it and every time he was told it was a secret. Finally, an annoyed waitress asked him, "If you want to know so badly, why don’t you buy the fucking place?" In 1989, he did.
8adb TIL Over 80% of Nevada land is owned by the US Federal Government