› added 4 years ago


TIL that the Tyrannosaurus Rex didn’t roar but rather they would make a low, almost grumble noise and use the vibrations from that noise to communicate, this is because they were actually stealthy hunters and would wait in the wooded areas and stalk their prey. Use headphones to listen to the video

neEp7 Today I learned that when a streetcar hit a bus Frida Kahlo was on, she was impaled by a handrail, fracturing her spine and pelvis. Due to these severe injuries and the long recovery, Frida took up painting to pass the time. She is now considered to be one of Mexico's greatest artists.
kOnbe TIL Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson was the first African American woman to earn a doctorate from MIT, and the second in the US to earn a doctorate in physics. She was also made an International Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering in 2012 and awarded the National Medal of Science in 2014.
Zp09v TIL Heath Ledger did not improvise the hospital explosion mishap in "The Dark Knight". It was well-rehearsed beforehand and the myth spread through the internet post-release.
noGb TIL Renaissance women would make home made lotions to rid themselves of body hair. Ingredients included arsenic and cat dung.
Me1OV TIL of the Gag Law, passed in Puerto Rico on 1948. The act made it a crime to own a Puerto Rican flag, to sing a patriotic tune, to speak or write of independence, or to meet with anyone in favor of Puertorican independence. Signed into law on by Jesús T. Piñero, the United States-appointed governor