› added 4 years ago


TIL that due to dark chicken meat being disliked in the US, they export it to other countries that do prefer it such as Russia. Their trade with Russia began in 1991 after the fall of the USSR. The chicken legs became so popular that they're nicknamed "Bush legs" after then President Bush Sr.

6EWkY TIL about First Lady Lou Henry Hoover who was the first American woman to earn a geology degree. She spoke 5 languages fluently and is the only first lady to speak an Asian language. She established the American Women's War Relief Fund, founded the National Women’s Conference on Law Enforcement.
yVPo8 TIL about "Rose's Law", which is the "Moore's Law of Moore's Law" for quantum computation. It states that the quantity of qubits in a quantum computer doubles every 1.5-2 years. However, this results in exponential exponential growth of computing power.
rRkKM TIL The Mandarinfish is one of only two species in the world which can produce its own blue coloring. Other animals that appear to be blue such as peacocks, don’t actually produce a blue pigment, they have colorless cells which reflect light to make it appear blue.
R5ZW8 TIL that in 2018, an AI developed by MIT was intentionally trained using only dark, disturbing content to see if it would develop "psychopathic" tendencies. Named "Norman" after Norman Bates, the AI then interpreted neutral images as violent scenes, highlighting how data shapes AI behavior
4X76b TIL Helen Keller was a librarian at public and college libraries including Drexel Institute and Columbia University and authored The Reader's Digest of Books.