› added 3 years ago


TIL Jain tirthankara(spiritual teacher) Neminatha became a monk because he heard the cries of animals being killed for his marriage feast. He left his marriage and freed the animals.

pWeA TIL that a Kenyan lawyer is trying to get the International Court of Justice to overturn the conviction and execution of Jesus Christ, and to have Italy and Israel held responsible for it on the grounds that they both incorporate Roman Law in their legal systems.
9wPy6 TIL that until 2012, when they switched to a bacterial source, Roche Pharmaceuticals used up to 90% of the world's annual star anise crop to produce shikimic acid, a chemical intermediate used in the synthesis of oseltamivir (Tamiflu)
LxdP TIL the sign language for Hitler is making a moustache with two fingers and raising your right hand.
GDON TIL the mercury everyone is so scared of in vaccines (thimerosal) is actually ethylmercury, while the toxic mercury which can damage the nervous system is methylmercury. The same way that we drink ethylalcohol (ethanol) but methylalcohol (methanol) will cause you to go blind, or just plain kill you.
9YwAr It happens to everyone. You might be walking back from grabbing a drink at your favourite neighbourhood watering hole, strolling through a dense forest, or even merely getting up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom when you hear that squishy sound. An ant, a cockroach, a beetle, a centipede, or whatever it used to be, is stuck to the bottom of your foot. Did the bug feel pain when it exploded? Did it feel fear? Did it even have time to be scared? If it had time, would it have done something or said something to any of its bug buddies?