› added 5 years ago


TIL that in the early twentieth century, film reels were often destroyed after their theatrical release, either by accident due to the use of flammable silver nitrate or on purpose in order to recover the silver contained in the film. As a result, an estimated 75-90% of all silent films are lost.

kxX5 TIL If Britain were a U.S. state, it would be the second-poorest, behind Alabama and before Mississippi
7E7x TIL in the 1980 US presidential election neither Jimmy Carter nor Ronald Reagan were allowed to privately raise funds, as they could only spend the money that was allocated to them under federal election law
yBLa TIL that there is in fact gravity at the international space station. So much so that someone that weighs 100 lbs on earth would weigh 90 on the station. The reason they float isn’t due to a lack of gravity, but rather because the astronauts are in a perpetual free fall.
mxX6o TIL JUUL is the only electronic cigarette product found with nicotine concentrations high enough to be toxic in standard cytotoxicity tests. The nicotine found in JUUL products is about 61 milligrams per milliliter of fluid in pods—equivalent to more than one pack of conventional cigarettes.
0wXGp TIL electricity was first installed in the White House in 1891. It was such a new concept that President Benjamin Harrison and his wife both refused to touch light switches due to their fear of electrocution so the White House staff had to follow them around and turn the lights off and on for them