› added 4 years ago


TIL there was a general strike in Seattle in 1919 that lasted for six days, which supposedly resulted in "creating the first Red Scare" in America

l7oG1 TIL that overuse of nitrous oxide (laughing gas) can cause spinal cord injury by inactivating vitamin B12. Numbness, weakness, and even sexual dysfunction are common symptoms. Taking B12 preventatively before nitrous use is ineffective as no matter how much B12 is present, it is all ‘turned off’.
e0VR6 TIL Pearl Jam discovered Ticketmaster was adding a service charge to all their concert tickets without informing the band. The band then created their own outdoor stadiums for the fans and testified against Ticketmaster to the United States Department of Justice
Z8BYD TIL of Amaro Pargo, arguably the most successful Spanish corsair during the golden age of piracy, he'd attack British & Dutch ships and is known to have fought contemporaries such as blackbeard. He rose to nobility for his services to the Spanish crown and died the richest man on the Canary Islands.
lo9vB TIL that children (and adults) in the US were tattooed with their ABO Blood group and Rhesus factor(Rh) by schools in the 1950s. With Cold War at its peak, children were included in this program to cover potential shortages in blood banks in case of a Soviet Union attack.
wokYM TIL housecats are responsible for an annual bird mortality, estimated to be 1.3 to 4.0 billion. And mammal mortality likely 6.3 to 22.3 billion individuals. In the US alone.