› added 3 years ago


TIL the Dwarves in Middle Earth were created by an impatient Angel who wanted to have children of his own and teach them his crafts. Eru Ilúvatar (God) and creator of the Elves and Men was not pleased by this disobedience, but forgave his son and then adopted the Dwarves, allowing them to exist.

dDKkd TIL about Civil War Survivor Jacob Miller. In 1863 he was shot between the eyes and with a bullet lodged in his brain he was left for dead. Jacob regained consciousness and made it to a field hospital. Jacob lived for another 54 years, dying at the age of 88 in 1917.
d8vgB TIL A 17-year-old Canadian booked his ticket to go to space abroad Virgin Galactic to become the youngest person to ever go to space. It is understood that he will be accompanied by a parent for the trip, which costs $200,000 per ticket
E18YP TIL That at the premiere of the Good Omens TV series, a front row seat was left empty in tribute to Terry Pratchett. His trademark scarf and hat were placed on it, and there was a bag of popcorn- Neil Gaiman said that Terry wanted to sit next to him and eat popcorn if an Omens movie ever happened.
yQYeJ TIL that Akira Kurosawa was unable to get funding after a series of flops, and only returned to filmmaking after attempted suicide when the Soviet Union enlisted him to make a film set in Russia
6EPGZ TIL that Purple Passion Fruit (Passiflora incarnata) not only is used as herbal medicine. You can dry and use the leaves to make tea and can also smoke the dry leaf. Study’s shown that the extract from the plant performs as well as some benzodiazepines but with fewer side effects.