› added 2 years ago


TIL the brand Puma sued Dolce & Gabbana over a slipper design they believe was copied. D&G argued that their design was for a different clientele and used real fur. Puma lost because D&G only sold 3 pairs with 2 being bought by Puma's test buyers. The judge said there was no competition.

v1lML TIL of Takayama Ukon, a 1500s Japanese Daimyo who converted to Catholicism and is a candidate for Sainthood in the Vatican. If canonized, Takayama will be the first Samurai saint, the only Daimyo saint, and since he was exiled to the Philippines for being a Christian, the third Filipino saint.
8anmZ TIL that the game "50 Cent: Blood in the Sand" had a helicopter mission added to it late in the development process because 50 Cent's son asked for helicopters to be in the game
Yplor TIL about the "Upside Down Boat Village" in France. Equihen-Plage, a former fishing village on the English Channel with a dry harbor, became a stranded port at the start of the 20th century. Poor families living in the village recovered the boat hulls to build makeshift shelters for themselves.
pWRG TIL that compared with the 1960s, U.S. women have in 2000s spent two to three hours longer in labor, according to researchers at the U.S. National Institutes of Health, who said the findings suggest doctors may need to rethink the definition of “normal” labor
p8oNe TIL the team that was the basis for the movie Hoosiers (Indiana's Milan HS) beat Oscar Robertson's team on the way to winning the 1954 state title.