› added 5 years ago


TIL Robin Williams, as a stand up comedian, would use other comedians material, and it got to the point, that if a comedian saw Williams in the audience of a comedy club, they would stop their act immediately to prevent Williams from writing down their best jokes.

D6lp TIL Lake Vostok, the 16th largest lake in the world, was only confirmed to exist in 1993. It’s located in Antarctica beneath a 4km ice sheet. The average water temperature is around −3 °C; it remains liquid below freezing point because of high pressure from the weight of the ice above it
Ojoa TIL Psy was sentenced to 25 days in jail for marijuana possession and as a result was unable to be with his grandfather when he lost his battle with cancer, or attend his funeral
nW9wr TIL Isaac Newton invested in the “South Sea Company” which profited from the sale of some British goods and, more significantly and more grimly, enslaved Africans
9pZ6 TIL men in switzerland are required to keep the firearms they are issued during military service at home after they leave the military so as to prevent home break ins and have the countries men ready to mobilize in the event of a threat.
bjEN TIL Disney animators supposedly slipped a single frame of a naked woman into a film to see if Walt could catch it. There are many variations, but one states that Walt continued watching, and when it finished, asked, “Whose idea was it to add the naked woman?” and fired all those responsible.