› added 4 years ago


TIL that some company tried to rip off the show "the amazing world of gumball" (rip off show is called miracle star) and after the people who created the real show heard this, they made an episode called "the copycats" to spread the awareness of it.

x6EZg TIL "Hit The Lights," the debut track on Metallica's first album Kill 'Em All, was actually written for James Hetfield's previous band 'Leather Charm' with his friend and guitarist, Hugh Tanner.
D1ang TIL about Havelock Ellis, a 19th century English sexologist, who thought he was impotent until age 60, where he discovered he was "aroused by a woman urinating". He also co-authored early medical textbooks on homosexuality, pioneered investigating psychedelic drugs and married an open lesbian.
9YZ1G TIL that blood turns green when 30 feet underwater, because red light cannot reach that far down so the green pigments in our blood are reflected back instead.
b6WPa TIL mines around Spruce Pine, North Carolina are the source of the world's purest form of silicon sand. A series of geological processes that occurred 350m years ago caused the silicon to form almost without impurities. It is highly sought after and is probably in the device you are reading this on.
LQENm TIL The New Schubert Edition, the major publication of Schubert’s available works, is scheduled to be finished with over 100 volumes in 2027, 71 years after it started - and thus have taken more than twice as long to complete as Schubert himself lived (31 years).