› added 6 years ago


TIL that when it was revealed to Hermann Göring that his prized Vermeer painting was a forgery, it was said "[Göring] looked as if for the first time he had discovered there was evil in the world".

N7lg6 TIL people vandalize and protest the statue of Winston Churchill, one of the great humans of history - a true giant of our race, a man who may have literally saved the world from Nazi rule
MeK7b TIL That Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin concluded the first that stars were primarily made of hydrogen and helium in her 1925 thesis, but added that her results were "spurious" because of the consensus at that time. She was eventually proved right by other researchers, yet is almost never credited.
b90Np TIL since 2018, the Circus Roncalli in Germany has entirely eliminated the use of live animals. Using 11 projectors, holographic acts replicate traditional circus fare, like a performing elephant, an ethereal ring of horses galloping around, even a huge goldfish hovering in the middle of the arena.
v15J7 TIL that whilst investigating the spread of HIV in Los Angeles and San Francisco, researchers used the letter 'O' to refer a case of someone "outside the state of California". The letter O, however, was interpreted by some readers as the numeral 0. The designation ''Patient Zero'' was born.
kLw5 TIL, before his death, Ed Sullivan believed he was suffering complications from his long-standing battle with ulcers. He did not know that he had been diagnosed with advanced esophageal cancer the month before, a diagnosis his family and doctors had kept secret from him.