› added 1 year ago


TIL that actor Gary Cooper turned down the role of Rhett Butler in the 1939 film “Gone with the Wind,” and said that the film "is going to be the biggest flop in Hollywood history". Today, “Gone with the Wind” is the highest grossing movie of all time, adjusted for inflation.

X5EP TIL a psychiatric hospital in Canada stripped inmates nude, shut them in an empty room and gave them large, sustained doses of LSD as part of a controversial new form of therapy.
OYmL TIL that taking long hot showers is actually really bad for your skin, as the hot water softens the oils in your skin so that they are easily washed away, thus making it easier for your skin to dry out and become itchy.
ydl TIL Frano Selak survived a train derailing into a river, a bus crashing and falling into another river, falling off a plane whose doors had blown off and living by landing on a hay stack, got hit by a bus, and survived a car explosion twice, and was then lucky enough to win the lottery in 2004.
OvX7 TIL Every Christmas since 1952 the US Air Force has airdropped gifts over the islands of Micronesia, making it the oldest ongoing Department of Defense mission and the longest running humanitarian airlift in the world
wLR7M TIL that in 1984, British new wave pop group Thompson Twins released a video game on a vinyl record. Players had to copy the game from the vinyl disc to a cassette tape, which could then be played on a ZX Spectrum or Commodore 64 computer.