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TIL: About Philly Mignon, an album by jazz drummer Philly Joe Jones released in 1977.

5x1r TIL pirates kidnapped a 22 year old Julius Caesar. His charisma led the pirates to treat him as a friend. He insisted they double his ransom, which they did. He said he would crucify them when free, and it was laughed off as a playful joke. Upon release he raised a fleet, returned and crucified them
xVP75 TIL - the saws used to cut casts of people do not spin, rather they just vibrate. Thus they can be used to safely cut a cast off without worry of cutting your skin. They can actually make contact with your skin without actually causing any injury.
MBLV TIL: When asked about atheists Pope Francis replied “They are our valued allies in the commitment to defending human dignity, in building a peaceful coexistence between peoples and in safeguarding and caring for creation.”
GYZNE TIL Robert Downey, Jr. started using drugs at age 6 when his father gave him pot. By age 8, he admits he was a drug addict. B/n 1995-2001, he cycled through arrests, rehab & prison. Sober since 2001, he became the highest-paid actor 2013-2015 and the 2nd highest-grossing box office star of all time.
WkJdd TIL of Hessy Levinsons Taft who had her picture submitted into a contest to find the "most beautiful Aryan baby." She won. What the Judge, Joseph Goebbels, didnt know was that Hessy was a Jew and the photographer had entered the picture because he "wanted to make the Nazis (look) ridiculous."