› added 1 year ago


TIL the Crest House, located at an elevation of 14,120 ft. (4,304 m.) near the summit of Mount Evans, CO, was the highest elevation business structure in the world. Finished in 1941, it was partially destroyed in a propane fire in 1979. Its ruins were later converted to an observation deck.

E1BjV TIL the other man in the balcony with Lincoln the night he was assassinated was so consumed with guilt over not having prevented it that he slowly went mad and eventually stabbed his wife to death and tried to kill his children before he was committed to a mental asylum for the rest of his life.
6Eg8l TIL Richard Feynman, a physicist who worked on the Manhattan Project, was hounded by the FBI until he sent them a memo to leave him alone as he’d helped build the atomic bomb. When J. Edgar Hoover found out about it, he also sent out a memo telling them not to pursue Feynman unless told otherwise.
kOejm TIL the burger chain Krystal was created during the Great Depression and based on the concept that even during economic distress, “People would patronize a restaurant that was kept spotlessly clean, where they could get a good meal with courteous service at the lowest possible price."
gv1A TIL During the Battle of the Bulge, American soldiers used knowledge of baseball to determine if others were fellow Americans or if they were German infiltrators in American uniforms.
mG7O TIL in the US west of Washington DC there’s a National Radio Quiet Zone - 13,000 square miles (34,000 sq km) of radio silence where cellphones are banned