› added 8 years ago


TIL In 1916 an Arctic cold front slammed through Browning, Montana, dropping the temperature from 44°F to -56°F in 24 hours. The most dramatic 24-hour drop in temperature ever recorded in the US.

0MBy TIL a women in Japan was arrested and faces up to two years in prison and a fine of up to $25,000. Her crime, sending 3D printer data of her scanned vagina to 30 fans who had helped her crowdfund her “pussy boat”.
e0Prn TIL In the original airing of the Simpsons episode "Team Homer", there is a shot of a trophy case holding an Academy Award Homer has stolen from actor Haing S. Ngor. Ngor was murdered a month after airing, and was changed for syndication due to it implying Homer murdered Ngor to steal the statue.
DQKmJ TIL in 1996 when Wendy Day took Eminem's demo to different labels, she couldn’t get any of them to even consider signing him because he's white. So she created the Rap Olympics to showcase his talent & bring attention back to lyricism. At the event, Em made the contact that led to signing a deal.
R74yl TIL of the disappearance of Toni Sharpless in 2009. Three years later, a private investigator received an anonymous letter stating she had been murdered by a police officer, including information that had not been made public. Law enforcement dismissed the letter as a hoax.
QJgMM TIL F-117 Nighthawks are stored in Type 1000 storage which requires them to be flown every 4 years and maintained until recalled for active service again.