› added 12 years ago


TIL a married couple in the UK realized they were twins separated at birth

QJw6X TIL about Rubble Woman, who, in the aftermath of World War II, helped clear and reconstruct the bombed cities of Germany and Austria. With much of the male population dead or prisoners of war, this monumental task fell to a large degree on women.
dvw9 TIL when Adolf Eichmann, aka “the architect of the Holocaust”, was on trial for his war crimes, he couldn’t afford the attorney he wanted. Not wanting any reason to question the legitimacy of the trial, the Israeli government paid for Eichmann to be represented by the lawyer of his choosing.
KOw64 TIL that Charles Joughin, Chief Baker on Titanic, helped passengers board life boats (forcibly boarding those who thought it safer to stay on the ship), drank a 1/2 bottle of liqueur, then threw chairs overboard for use as flotation devices, rode the side of the ship down while it sunk, and survived
oR9lR TIL Some vervet monkeys in the Caribbean, particularly teenagers, exhibit a preference for alcoholic beverages over non-alcoholic ones. On Saint Kitts, these monkeys often raid bars and tourist beaches for alcoholic drinks and become visibly inebriated.
p8ym4 TIL that starting in June 1965, Angus Barbieri fasted for 382 days. He lived on tea, coffee, soda water and vitamins, living at home Scotland, and frequently visiting a hospital for medical evaluation. He lost 276 pounds (125 kg), reached his 180 pound goal weight, and started eating again.