› added 11 years ago


TIL That a robotic chess machine called ‘The Turk’ toured the world in the 1700s, easily defeating prominent statesmen such as Benjamin Franklin and Napoleon Bonaparte. A human chess master was long suspected to have been hidden inside, but wasn’t exposed for 84 years.

d868K TIL a Brooklyn mailman neglected to deliver around 40,000 pieces of mail; about 2,500 pounds of US mail were found in the home, locker, & car of mailman Joseph Brucato. When the mail was found, a spokeswoman for USPS said she didn't know when the mail from Brucato's route would be delivered.
DxZJ TIL that if a kangaroo is chased by an attacker, it will run into a body of water and hold the attacker under water. In 2009, a kangaroo almost drowned a dog after it was chased into a creek. The dogs owner was then attacked when he went to the dogs rescue, receiving a deep gash to his abdomen.
rNKZd Today I learned that American couples only sleep with 1 duvet, large enough for the the two of them. And not separate ones. And they also have a weird thing called «top sheet»
6m4Z TIL The first president of Zimbabwe was President Banana who passed his first law making it illegal to make jokes about his name.
Dj4P TIL: All of the images we’ve seen of Bugs Bunny eating carrots were actually misleading. Carrots should not be fed to rabbits. Rabbit’s natural diets do not include roots, fruits, or iceberg lettuce, and that carrots can cause tooth decay and digestive problems.