› added 11 years ago


TIL that in Scream, when Billy Loomis (Skeet Ulrich) was stabbed with an umbrella, his pain was real - the second stab missed his safety suit, impacting a fresh wound from open-heart surgery.

xVNl5 TIL That when Napoléon I emancipated the Jews he stated "I will never accept any proposals that will obligate the Jewish people to leave France, because to me the Jews are the same as any other citizen in our country" the Russian Orthodox Church labelled him as the 'Anti-Christ and The Enemy of God'
xVDnB TIL a surgeon named John Bradmore was released from prison to extract an arrowhead from young Henry V's skull. He invented an extractor to remove the bodkin (5 in. deep) and healed the wound with honey and wine.
BVax TIL that even though many people cite the PISA test scores as a source that Americans are behind in education, the test scores show that Americans beat every other OECD country when controlling for poverty in schools.
XEG5D TIL of the usage "Bob's your uncle" meaning "and there you have it". In 1887, the UK Prime Minister Robert "Bob" Cecil appointed his nephew, Arthur Balfour as Chief Secretary for Ireland. Whatever other qualifications Balfour might have had, "Bob's your uncle" was seen as the conclusive one.
b6Zda TIL of Piso Firme, a project which replaced dirt floors with concrete floors in Mexican slums. Changing the flooring, improved the residents' health and happiness, but also their children's communication and vocabularies.