› added 2 years ago


TIL that, despite their reputation as outlaws, pirates often operated on democratic principles. Everyone had to vote to make any major decisions, and even captains can be voted out. Pirates even had a system of workers compensation, with the crew maintaining a central fund to help injured pirates.

78yVX TIL that during the early stages of “Moana” (2016), the character of Maui was originally bald - just like Dwayne Johnson. This was changed after Polynesian cultural advisers working with Disney pointed out that Maui having rich hair is crucial for his mana (spiritual energy).
pgoO TIL the Lazarus reflex is a reflex movement in brain dead patients which causes them to briefly raise their arms and drop them crossed on their chests in a position similar to some Egyptian mummies. The reflex is often preceded by slight shivering motions of the arms, followed by goose bumps.
yVyA8 TIL that a uranium mill operated from 1950-1984 in Moab Utah, leaving a large pile of contaminated waste on the banks of the Colorado River, endangering human, animal, and plant life all the way to Mexico. Clean-up is underway and will cost taxpayers as much as 1 billion dollars.
neD7G TIL that Lincoln considered joining the ill fated Donner Party but stayed because of family.
OG9wL TIL 4-yr-old Cecelia Cichan was the sole survivor of the deadliest aviation accident to have only one person survive (NW Airlines Flight 255). Her mom, dad, brother & 153 others died. She was found still belted into her seat with third-degree burns & fractures in her skull, collarbone, & leg.