› added 6 years ago


TIL in Jewish mythology, everyone has an angel teaches them all the wisdom in the world in utero. The angel lightly taps an infant's upper lip before birth, to silence the infant from spilling the secrets. Some say that's how we have the philtrum (the indent between the nose and mouth).

wLNaM TIL about Owney the Postal Dog! He was a terrier mix that captured the hearts of railway postal workers and rode the trains with them. They even awarded him medals for his service - so many that they filled his collar and a little harness, special-made. Owney was a very good boy, indeed!
XEbxX TIL: From the 60s until program retirement in 1992, the US military kept ready some cannon-fired nuclear weapons which could fit in any standard 155mm Howitzer. Each M45 AFAP round cost at least $1.25 million. AFAP stood for Artillery Fired Atomic Projectile.
7bRX TIL That the ‘Warp Core’ shown in “Star Trek: Into Darkness” is not a set piece or prop, but actually the experimental nuclear fusion reactor at The National Ignition Facility.
E1XvV TIL Kurt Cobain didn't particularly like his song Smells Like Teen Spirit saying "It's almost an embarrassment to play." And "I can barely, especially on a bad night, get through 'Teen Spirit.' I literally want to throw my guitar down and walk away."
epkln TIL: Henriette d'Angeville was the first woman who climbed the MontBlanc unaided. She had to design her own climbing clothes. She took with her 18 bottles of wine and 26 roasted chickens. At the top she was lifted by her guides so that she 'had gone higher than any man before her'.