› added 3 years ago


TIL that, when Cowboy Bebop's composer went on a trip to the US for her university, she noticed that the groove of street musicians would swing harder as she travelled more from the West Coast to the East

YpYyB TIL Habushu - a liqueur made in Okinawa which involves submerging a living pit viper in a jar and sealing it; some variations involve putting the viper on ice to knock it out, gutting it & sewing it back up, and placing it in the alcohol only for it to wake up and get super aggressive before dying
WkKj4 TIL the first pilot to spot incoming Japanese fighters at Pearl Harbor was a woman. Her name was Cornelia Fort and she was a civilian flight instructor. 2 years later she was killed in a mid-air collision and became the first female pilot to be killed on active military duty.
a8rGZ TIL: The National Institute of Health timed men ejaculating using a stopwatch to study premature ejaculation. They found the average to be 7minutes, but the range was 1 minute to an hour. The treatments suggested were using specific techniques, medication such as SSRIs, and sex therapy.
OoyWa TIL about the Oakland Buddha, placed by a resident on a street corner in a desperate attempt to prevent illegal dumping, it has grown over the years into a shrine for the local Vietnamese residents. Following the development of the Buddhist shrine, criminal activity in the area dropped by 82%
Kvb9 TIL Enya owns a castle and it is fortified to keep out crazed stalkers who attack the staff.