› added 4 years ago


TIL that gonorrhea is one of the strongest known organisms, capable of pulling with a force 100,000 times their own body weight, this is equivalent to a human pulling 10 million kilos.

4Xlo5 TIL about the AN-225, the largest aircraft built.Powered by six turbofan engines and with a wingspan almost the length of a football field, this gentle giant of the skies can carry bigger and heavier cargo than any other plane, and is unique in the world of aviation, as just one was ever built.
Z84rR TIL about the dihydrogen monoxide parody, the action of calling water by an unfamiliar chemical name, listing "side effects" which are just scientific terms for harmless water-related bodily processes, and calling for it to be banned. This demonstrates the importance of scientific literacy.
kJ0r1 TIL there has been only one spacewalk with more than two people, which was on the STS-49 space shuttle mission. Astronauts Pierre Thuot, Rick Hieb, and Thomas Akers performed an unscheduled spacewalk in order to capture a faulty satellite after several previous two-man attempts had failed.
nZnB TIL that three Klansmen, including an FBI informant, forced a black man to jump to his death from a bridge 150 feet into a river. An Alabama judge dropped the case because “Merely forcing a person to jump from a bridge does not naturally and probably lead to the death of such a person.”
nWXE9 TIL that McDonalds abandoned the Ronald McDonald gimmick, because of the 2016 clown scare.